I am a composer of liturgical music for both Roman Catholic and Protestant congregations, with over 400 compositions published by GIA, Augsburg Fortress and other publishers. For the past 35 years I have presented workshops and concerts across North America and in Europe, the Pacific Rim, Asia and Central America for church musicians and anyone interested in the renewal of worship and the role of music in our faith/life journey.
There are many links on this website that will connect you to my publisher, GIA, allowing you to listen to music clips of my music and order print editions or recordings. Here is a link to an index of my music published by GIA.
On January 27th and 28th,
Marty will join with composer/musicians Bob Hurd and Trevor Thomson to present two benefit concerts for the Saint Camillus Center in Los Angeles, CA.
The mission of the Saint Camillus Center for Spiritual Care is to accompany people in the midst of suffering with holistic healing and hope. Their chaplains commit themselves to be the Church in its preferential option for the poor in the LA area.
Because Marty will not have anything for sale at the concert, you can get mp3's or CD's of the concert music at this link: Music for the St. Camillus Concert

Here is new and unpublished music that has come out of my experience with my faith community through this pandemic season and music I wrote for the NNPM (National Network of Pastoral Musicians) gathering from July 29-31. Click on the titles to download the PDFs.

Choose to Hope: A new collection centered on reconciliation and renewal
"Choose to Hope" is my first liturgical music collection in two years. The songs were written as a response to the division, hate and violence that has become so present in our world. It is a collection of songs and prayers of hope for all of us. Now more than ever we need to choose hope and trust over fear, hatred and division. You can get the collection and CD at giamusic.com.
I wrote the song "Child of Wonder" for the baptism of my godson, Joshua, in 1984. Since then it has been sung at the baptisms of thousands of children across many denominations and cultures. Now Stephen Nesser has created a beautiful book to accompany the song. It includes 26 pages of stunning illustrations, celebrating an inclusive vision of children and families from many cultures and religious traditions. The song itself is included within the book, as well as a free download link for a recorded version of the song.
"Child of Wonder" is a perfect way to celebrate the sacred gift of children.
Here is a link for more information and images: Child of Wonder book
Here is a link for ordering the book from GIA: Order Child of Wonder book
Holden Evening Prayer (or "Vespers '86" as it is still known at Holden Village) was written during the winter of 1985-86 when I was living with my family at Holden. As each part of the vesper service was written. it was prayed with the community as part of evening worship. The final version represents a very real collaboration with the winter community at Holden. I believe that one of the reasons it continues to be used is because it reflects the very real prayer of a particular community.
To mark its 30th anniversary GIA has issued a new edition of Holden Evening Prayer. I have written three new supplmental psalms that can be included during the seasons of Advent and Lent. There is also a new handbell part, in addition to the keyboard, guitar and C instrument parts. To hear music clips or to order the various editions, click here. When ordering, be sure that you are ordering the 30th anniversary edition (it's actually also less expensive that the original edition!).
Pilgrims and Companions a recording (and printed edtions) of 11 new songs is now available from GIA Publications. The music, written over the past year, reflects my conviction that our personal faith journey as a pilgrim must always be in harmony and solidarity with our common journey as companions and children of God. A number of the songs express my passion for Christian engagement in justice issues, including care for creation and climate change, support for refugees and other oppressed peoples and an end to the epidemic of violence and enconomic inequality in our culture. Other songs address seasons of the liturgical year (Lent and Easter) and seasons of life (weddings, anniversaries, times of doubt and hope and gratitude). Three of the songs feature beautiful new lyrics by textwriter Adam M. L. Tice. Click here to purchase any of the music or hear music clips of the songs.