Ordering Information

Ordering the music and other resources of Marty Haugen:

In the US: GIA Publications
1(800)GIA-1358 [442-1358]
7404 South Mason Ave, Chicago, IL 60638


In England, Scotland & Wales: Decani Music
tel: 01842 819 830
Oak House, 70 High St, Brandon, Suffolk  IP27 OAU

In Canada: Broughton's Bookstore
tel: 1-800-268-4449

In Ireland: Veritas
tel: 01-878 8177 / 01-878 6507-fax
7-8 Lower Abbey St, Dublin 1, Ireland

In Australia: Willow Connection
tel: 02 9948 3957 /  fax 02 9948 8153
Unit 4A, 3-9 Kenneth Road, Manly Vale, NSW 2093, Australia

In Aotearoa/New Zealand: Pleroma Christian Supplies
tel: 06 856 8378 / fax 06 856 8155
Higginson Street, Otane 4170, Central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

In Singapore & East Asia: Wellsprings Catholic Books
tel: 65-62523390 / fax: 65-67604804
239 Lavender Street ,Singapore 338783



Schedulng an event You can schedule an event with Marty (workshop, conference, evening of sung prayer) by wrting to him at  martyhaugen@mac.com 

Every attempt will be made to keep this list as up-to-date and accurate as possible; however, it is subject to change.  If you cannot reach the contact person for any of these events, you may Email Marty

Saturday-Sunday, January 27-28, 2024: Benefit Concerts for St. Camillus Center (with Bob Hurd and Trevor Thomson), Our Lady of the Assumption Church, Claremont, CA & Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, Hermosa Beach, CA  click here for information: St. Camillus Concerts

July 26-28: National Network of Pastoral Musicians Conference (NNPM) Hayes Conference Center, Swanwick, Derbyshire, UK nnpm.org